
To Discuss 12/20

  • Basic drop-down menu styling or see designs options for menu?
    1 Column for “Siding” / “Windows” / “Painting” / “”
    1 Column for “Decorative Concrete Coatings” -resurfacing under this
    1 Column for “Waterproof Deck Coatings”

  • Straight Line exterior .pdf/pamphlet
  • Approve header?
  • Approve home hero image?
  • Approve testimonials slider? Add link to “See Our # 5-Star Reviews On Google”
  • Approve service grid? Same style/background for all of the project/photo grids?
  • Approve call-to-action section with phone #?
  • Approve call-to-action section with web form
  • Approve footer
  • See multiple options for hero banners on each page?
  • New column for Why Choose Us list Hardie / Westcoat / Milgard / Cour de Lane /
  • See multiple options for layout of different page types? service pages, ‘why choose us’ pages, product pages (e.g. Hardie Plank)


Homepage Mockup Designs By Section

  • Headers / Menu #3 and font from #5
  • Hero Image prefer #1
  • Service Grid prefer #3
  • Testimonials prefer #2
  • Call To Actions prefer #6, love the blueprint background, #4 has some but less appeal)
  • Footers prefer #2 with color of #4, web-form above footer, call-to-action section in #9 with blueprint is good for an inline call-to-action
  • Reviews – Next Door, Google, and to a lesser extent BBB. Priority should be on Google. Replace ReviewTec link with Google Link

We’ll be adding painting and roofing to the services and removing some, Tony will decide on the services section

Homepage Page elements

Primary bg color (dark or light)

Menu (overlay image, overlay background)

Prominent Web Form

Service Grid (which style?)

Testimonials (which style?)

Why Choose Us section on homepage, just above Testimonials

Map – prefer to use a customer list for putting markers on a map

Call To Actions (Hero banner, header, and a section down the page which is an edge to edge background image with call to action as overlay) Call to actions after every 2-3 sections of homepage

‘Get A Quote’

‘Schedule Now’

‘Let’s Talk’

‘Get Free Estimate’ (don’t use the word free)

‘Call For A Free Estimate’ (don’t use the word free)

‘Contact Us’

‘Call 503-746-7648’
